June Faves

I definitely didn’t do a May Favorites post. Whoops. TV I’m totally late to this Riverdale parade but hi, it’s me. The thing about Riverdale is that it’s set up like a lot of other TV shows nowadays. The plot isn’t necessarily set up in an original format. It’s very Pretty Little Liars-eque the way… Continue reading June Faves

Steer Clear of Drama: My Lips are Sealed

A quick addition to the steer clear of drama series: One of the biggest sources of fights and drama in high school is spreading information. You’d think this one was a given but here goes: DON’T tell other people’s secrets! If someone gives you their information that they specifically told you was private and personal, don’t… Continue reading Steer Clear of Drama: My Lips are Sealed

Money Management Tips for Teens

Whether you receive a paycheck or an allowance, you are responsible for finances. Scary right? On the brink of adulting, developing good money habits is more crucial than ever. Keep reading for tips to reduce common frivolous fees and monitor your account activity. Where the money goes: When looking at my own account, I noticed… Continue reading Money Management Tips for Teens

College: Why You Shouldn’t Be Worried About Competition

Let’s play a word association game. Orange. Juice. Pepsi. Cola. College…. *pause*. There are so many mixed emotions surrounding college ranging from terrified to overjoyed. And who could forget about applications? I know so many people are glad to be past the search-and-apply stage of their academic career. Getting into college has always been a meticulous… Continue reading College: Why You Shouldn’t Be Worried About Competition