I’m Back!! + Realizations

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After my two week hiatus following Her Conference in New York, I’m finally back to blogging! The break was definitely much needed. You don’t really realize how much you’re getting burned out until you take a step back. After stepping back and viewing my site as a whole, I feel like I’ve reached a point where I have enough content (50+ posts!) to stop emphasizing quantity, by scheduling two posts per week, and focus more on quality- issues and ideas that I’d like to take time and care in expressing.

The past couple weeks have been so amazing for several reasons. Coming down off of the high from my amazing trip was one thing. I also came to several conclusions. First off, I don’t need a niche. Really. I’d been struggling with the idea of needing a specific “look” for my Instagram (which I’ve touched on before) or a specific topic for my blog. Even an expert from the conference suggested having one during one of the panels. This works for some people: some just have a specific set of interests that create a singular cohesive visual. And that’s awesome! I admire super put-together Instagram pages and blogs. But that’s just not me. I’m very multi-faceted. Not to say that those other girls aren’t, I just have a wide range of topics that interest me that don’t seem as interrelated. And hello, a lifestyle blog is the perfect way to express that! I’m just finally embracing the fact that this is a space I’ve created to talk about anything that I find interesting, and I really shouldn’t worry about the visuals. Thanks to Georgie and my family for helping me realize that.

On another note, there’s always been the prospect of more followers looming over my head. Of course, it can be difficult to watch other people’s followings soar three times faster than my own. But I’ve also become content with my following. I’ve made connections with a ton of amazing intelligent women across the world through blogging and I can’t compare that to any amount of followers. I’m so grateful to be able to interact with girl bosses pursuing their careers and writing passions simultaneously.

Anyway, I’m definitely rambling at this point. Thank you to all of my readers and supporters. Starting now, I will be writing at least once a week.

Love always, Nia Shalise


  1. I’m amazed, I have to admit. Rarely do I come across a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is an issue that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy I found this during my search for something relating to this.

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