Getting Through Waiting for College Decisions

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Your information is all filled in and your essays have been written to perfection. You click submit and finally, you wait. And wait. And wait… After you submit your college applications, there’s a ton of waiting involved actually. You thought finishing them was the hard part, but now you’re anxious. Here’s how to get through… Continue reading Getting Through Waiting for College Decisions

College: Why You Shouldn’t Be Worried About Competition

Let’s play a word association game. Orange. Juice. Pepsi. Cola. College…. *pause*. There are so many mixed emotions surrounding college ranging from terrified to overjoyed. And who could forget about applications? I know so many people are glad to be past the search-and-apply stage of their academic career. Getting into college has always been a meticulous… Continue reading College: Why You Shouldn’t Be Worried About Competition

Making an Inspo Board!

Surrounding ourselves with positivity is always a good thing, especially in spaces we most often occupy. For me this is definitely my room. An inspiration board can help provide motivation to be productive, encouraging words, and add a bright appeal to your room. Here are my steps for creating an inspiration board: Gather some references–… Continue reading Making an Inspo Board!

To Sleep or Not to Sleep: The Studied Question

“To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question.” – Nia’s version of Hamlet, 2017 Us teens tend to love our sleep but at what costs? Between schoolwork and extracurricular activities and other obligations, nowadays it seems like we’re forced to choose between productivity and sleep. Personally, I know my limits. After a certain… Continue reading To Sleep or Not to Sleep: The Studied Question


“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” –French writer, Antoine de Saint-Exupery We are now well into the New Year of 2017: new opportunities, new looks, new year, new me right? For some it’s just another day of the year. But others find the New Year as a time to set resolutions or… Continue reading #Goals