June Faves

I definitely didn’t do a May Favorites post. Whoops. TV I’m totally late to this Riverdale parade but hi, it’s me. The thing about Riverdale is that it’s set up like a lot of other TV shows nowadays. The plot isn’t necessarily set up in an original format. It’s very Pretty Little Liars-eque the way… Continue reading June Faves

April Faves

April was honestly just me trying to focus on studying and ending up on YouTube or Netflix. Makeup When I was on spring break, I realized I had forgotten to bring lip balm with me for when I went to Busch Gardens. I happened to pick up the Carmex Comfort Care in Sugar Plum and let… Continue reading April Faves

March Faves

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The last month has gone by so quickly that there was hardly time to get attached to new products. Regardless here are a couple of my favorite things from the past month. TV Show- Happy Endings This is another Hulu show (sorry again to Netflix-only subscribers) originally aired on ABC. The show focuses around how… Continue reading March Faves

February Faves

It feels like 2017 just started but February is already over! For me it’s been a month of adjustment: to managing a blog and other realizations. Here are some of my favorite things from February that helped me get through the month (and make it a bit more fun!): Tea- Vanilla Cinnamon Recently, I’ve been… Continue reading February Faves